úterý 12. února 2013

Easter in Britain

  • Goddness - female version of god
  • Lent - a period when people give up luxury and try to live simple. It starts on Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40 days untill Holy Saturday
  • Crucifixion - a death on a cross
  • Resurrection - a situation when Jesus returned to life after his crucifixion
  • Bun - a small baked bread roll
  • Raisin - dried grapes
  • Widow - a woman whose husband has died

What is Easter?

Easter is celebrated on first Sunday after the first full moon in spring. Generally it reminds us the end of winter or lent. Easter beggins on Maundy Thursday and ends on Easter Monday.
Easter is Christian festival. But in Britain it began long before Christianity. Some people think it is named after goddess of the dawn and spring - Eostre. Anyways it is memory of Jesus's crucifixion and ressurrection.

What people do?

Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday is known because of Ceremony of the Royal Maundy. The queen chooses one old man and woman. They had to do something special. And she gives them 2 leather purses - red and white. In white there's a silver Maundy coin and in red there's a coin.  
Good Friday is special because of Hot Cross Buns. It is related with a story of widow and her son.
Holy Saturday
Easter Day or Easter Sunday people remind the Jesus's resurrection. For children is this day special. They believe that Easter Rabbit or Easter Bunny hides the eggs in the garden and kids have to find them. Families also bring to their homes Easter water. Traditional dinner is Roast lamb. 
Easter Monday is known for Egg Rolling. This competition is about sending the eggs from the top of the hill and the winner is the one who gets his/her egg first down.

Children in Britain have 2 weeks holidays. Who doesn't like it?
