úterý 18. prosince 2012

Christmas traditions

Our Christmas traditions

If I had to think about traditions we keep, it would be very simple. In fact my family doesn't keep so many traditions.

Before Christmas Day we bake some sweets. But it's not a tradition it is obviousness.
When THE DAY comes we make potato salad  in the morning and we decorate the Christmas tree. All day we listen carols and we light the candels. It is for atmosphere. We also don't eat anything in that day (except some simple lunch without meat). Because we want to see gold pig! :) 

At 5 p.m. we start with setting the table and frying cutlets. We dress elegantly and about 6 p.m. we are ready to start. We celebrate with all my siblings so sometimes there is not enough place. At the very beginning my mum read an article from the Bible about Nativity. We talk and have fun. We don't keep that tradition about eating fish because nobody likes it. When we are done my mum leave and put the presents secretly under the tree. We also put our gifts there. And we wait untill the bell ring. We stand behind the closed door and we look at the gold pig. It is my mum with a flashlight. But I think my little brother believes that it's real.

When we come to the room with all the presents we hold sparklers in our hands and we sing carol. After that we are opening all the presents. It lasts for a hour. Then we take a family photo. And our trafition we keep since forever is habit of flying little boats from walnut. And in the midnight we go to church.

On holidays we visit our family. And we watch fairytales on TV. And my own tradition is singing christmas karaoke. :D

sobota 8. prosince 2012

My house is my castle

My house is my castle

I am not even sure if this proverb is using in english language. But this time I'm going to say something about my house. 

I live in a terraced house in the centre of Děčín, Czech Republic. My house actually isn't mine. It is an old house with about 15 condominiums and my family live in one of them. The color as you can see is dark grey. At the bottom of the house are little black tiles. And our street is really peaceful.

We live in the first floor. My parents own the flat. In the picture you can see our kitchen's window and my room's window (look from the left).  

This house has flat roof so it is possible to visit the roof. For example in summer it is a perfect place for sunbathing. It has also the basements. Behind the house is a yard, which is split and every house has own part. My mum is really active and she grows some flowers there. Also we have on the yard garden table. 

I should mention my neighbours. We don't have any relationship with them. We just greet them if we see them. But I think they are nice.

See you soon! xx


čtvrtek 22. listopadu 2012

Let's celebrate!

Today is the 4th Thursday in November. Do you know what does it mean? Of course, Thanksgiving Day! So I am here to share with you for what I am thankful. :)

I am thankful for:

  1. My family - They always stand by me no matter what. I complain about them very often. I admit I had a lot of troubles with my parents and siblings. But if I think about it, I really love them and need them. I am thankful for them!
  2. My friends - I am happy that I have someone by my side. Friendship is something unique. And I found  couple of people with them I can share my joys and my worries. I can have fun and also I can speak seriously. They would never let me feel alone. That is why I am thankful for them. 
  3. Every day - Because I can spend time with amazing people. And every day is surprising. You'll never know what it brings to you. 
  4. My hobbies - I really appreciate the fact that I can do what I like. Mainly to singing in choir. Actually 3 choirs.
  5. God - Maybe it is kind of shocking to you. But yes I do believe in God. And I am thankful for it!
  6. Everything else - There are so many other things. It's different every day. Sometimes it's someone's smile or nice chat with somebody, maybe good mark in school. It could be a compliment or anything.

So I just have confessed almost everything about me. Don't judge me.


See you soon.


sobota 17. listopadu 2012

Oppa Gangnam Style

Oppa Gangnam Style

"Gangnam Style" is in these days something like part of our lives. Every time I switch on some of the music channels, I hear that song. It hits number one in every country. This song is mind blowing. I can definitely confirm that. Let's look closer.

Gangnam Style is a song by South Korean artist PSY. It was released in July 2012. On YouTube it is the second viewed video ever!

When I hear this song for the first time my reaction was "Seriously? You must be kidding me!" But then I found out how popular it is in the world. I asked myself why. Even my 8 years old sister told me that it is her favorite song!

Now let's have a look 

What are you saying? Very catchy, isn't it?

But I was very curious what is that really mean. So I found lyrics. Basically it is about a man singing about some girl. He sang how quiet she is in the daylight and how she changes at night. How shocking! Actually I also want to explain the phrases which were used.

  • Gangnam = wealthy and posh district in Seoul, Korea. It was used like metaphor for women - noble during the day and crazy at the night
  • Oppa = means something like older brother

In that fact is it really alright that this video watch kids? 

Anyway, I can't deny that this video is really catchy and absolutely fit to party time. It could be really fun dancing these easy moves with friends.

Here I have links of famous people dancing Gangnam Style dance.

Britney Spears: 

UK X Factor Finalists 2012:

And it reminded me that even in the Czech Republic this steps were danced. Let's have a quick look.

And of course it has a lot of parodies. If you want to find some, go to YouTube.

In conclussion I want to add a number to prove that this song is real hit. When I started to write this article it had under the 745,000,000 views on YouTube. Now I am ending and it has 746,302,759 views. Quite a lot, isn't it? 

I have one simple question. Are you supporter or hater of this single? If you want add something, leave a comment. 

I'll be back soon.
