čtvrtek 22. listopadu 2012

Let's celebrate!

Today is the 4th Thursday in November. Do you know what does it mean? Of course, Thanksgiving Day! So I am here to share with you for what I am thankful. :)

I am thankful for:

  1. My family - They always stand by me no matter what. I complain about them very often. I admit I had a lot of troubles with my parents and siblings. But if I think about it, I really love them and need them. I am thankful for them!
  2. My friends - I am happy that I have someone by my side. Friendship is something unique. And I found  couple of people with them I can share my joys and my worries. I can have fun and also I can speak seriously. They would never let me feel alone. That is why I am thankful for them. 
  3. Every day - Because I can spend time with amazing people. And every day is surprising. You'll never know what it brings to you. 
  4. My hobbies - I really appreciate the fact that I can do what I like. Mainly to singing in choir. Actually 3 choirs.
  5. God - Maybe it is kind of shocking to you. But yes I do believe in God. And I am thankful for it!
  6. Everything else - There are so many other things. It's different every day. Sometimes it's someone's smile or nice chat with somebody, maybe good mark in school. It could be a compliment or anything.

So I just have confessed almost everything about me. Don't judge me.


See you soon.


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