úterý 22. ledna 2013

New Year's Resolution

New Year's Resolution

Welcome in 2013! With a new year come new promises. What to wish for me and my family in 2013?

In the fact I am not a supporter of new year's resolutions. If you want to change something in your life, don't wait until new year. Do it now.

But  this year I am going to eat better and do more for my body. Also I want to be a better person. I mean listen to people more and be nicer to them.

Good luck with your resolutions and promises


3 komentáře:

  1. A better person? Don't be ridiculous, u are a great person :).

    I hope you will fulfill the thing with healthy food and your body condition, not because your body in a bad condition,it's not, but because you want to fulfill it.

  2. I am surprised that many people disagree with New Year's resolutions.

  3. I don´t know you now so much, but i think you are nice to people enough so maybe you should be how you are. Btw = if you say some swear word you probably don´t mean it really.
