středa 23. ledna 2013

You Should Know About...

How often do you hear these words: "You should know about it"? We are not robots to know about everything what is going around in our lives.

But you should know something about my favorite series. It's called "Pretty Little Liars".

The story is really catchy. A girl Alison was murdered and her 4 friend are trying to figure it out who did it. Frankly, Alison was really mean girl and she had a lot of enemies. The atmosphere is sometimes scary, maybe horror. And the weirdest thing is that girls are getting text messages and notes signed by -A. The thing is who is the A? And why he/she is trying to ruin girls's lives? Because -A got girl into to very bad situations. They ended in jail, for example.

With the continuing story, Hannah, one of the four girls finds out that -A is a girl from her friend. How things turned out -A is not only one person. A Spencer's boyfriend, (Spencer is also one of the Alison's friends), is helping to -A. Probably -A is a group of people. But the question is what they want from the girls? Is Alison really dead? What about that -A is Alison? What will be the next thing that will happened to girls? Everyone is suspicious. And you should't trust anyone.

I am really curious what will another episode bring.

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