úterý 2. dubna 2013


My favorite food

I like Italian cuisine, so my favorite food is pasta with sauces - cheese, tomato. And the most important ingrediences are spices and herbes. It gives to the food extraordinary taste and makes the food unique. It is healthy, tasty and easy to prepare.

My favorite Czech food + recipe 

My favorite Czech food is definitely not pork with dumplings and sauerkraut. More I am into the sweet food. So my favorite czech food could be sweet dumplings with blueberries or strawberries.


  • 300 g medium ground floor
  • 125 ml milk
  • 40 g butter
  • an egg
  • 250 g curd
For filling you need a fruit - blueberries or strawberries.
For sauce you need icing sugar and curd


From flour, milk, butter, egg and curd you'll make dough. It should be soft. From the dough you'll cut pieces and fill the pieces with fruits. Then you'll make dumplings. Try the dumplings have a ball shape. Put the dumplings into a pot with lightly salt water. Cook it for 8 minutes. Then mix the curd and icing sugar. Cover the cooked dumplings with sauce you've made.

My favorite drink

My favorite drink is juice made from fresh fruit. Especially orange juice.

Typical Czech cuisine and table manners

Czech cuisine is mostly unhealthy. Like I wrote before, it is for example pork with dumplings and sauerkraut. Or it could be sirloin sauce. We have also special soup. It is tripe soup. Traditional sweet meat is bread and butter pudding with apples and creamy cheese. For a snack you can eat a yeast bun with different filling, for example curd, plum jam or poppy. If you're thirsty, there's a drink for you - beer. How surprising.
Do we have in the Czech Republic typical table manners? I think we just eat like humans. We sit around the table, eat from plates with knife and fork. Usually, we converse.

I would never eat and drink

You'll never make me eat mushrooms. I hated it even in my childhood. And you'll never give me a good reason why to eat it.
And I would never drink beer. Not in my age. Maybe when I will be older, I will love the taste of it.

My speciality - Chocolate Muffins


  • 1 and half mug of medium groung floor
  • 1 pack of baking powder
  • half mug of sugar
  • an egg
  • 1 pack of vanilla sugar
  • 5 spoons of oil
  • 1 mug of milk
  • chocolate pieces
  • nuts


Mix all of the ingredience in the mixing bowl. Start with dry ingredience then add everything liquid. Make a dough. At the end add in the dough chocolate pieces and nuts. Prepare a baking form for muffins and put the dough into it. Put it in the baking owen for about 30 minutes and bake it for 180 degrees.

For dinner I'd like to invite my family. Because I know they would eat it and have no comments to it. My mum would be happy that she didn't have to cook.
Or I would invite my friends, especially Lucka - my best girl friend or Janek my best boy friend. I know that I would enjoy the meal with them. They can make me laugh.
The third person would probably be someone famous. I can imagine having dinner with Adele. That would be really nice!

Words you may need:
  • spices - koření
  • herbs - byliny
  • sauerkraut - kysané zelí
  • curd - tvaroh
  • icing sugar - moučkový cukr
  • dough - těsto
  • sirloin sauce - svíčková
  • tripe soup - dršťková polévka
  • yeast bun - kynutá buchta
  • filling - poleva
  • plum jam - švestková povidla
  • poppy - mák
  • baking powder - prášek do pečiva

úterý 12. února 2013

Easter in Britain

  • Goddness - female version of god
  • Lent - a period when people give up luxury and try to live simple. It starts on Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40 days untill Holy Saturday
  • Crucifixion - a death on a cross
  • Resurrection - a situation when Jesus returned to life after his crucifixion
  • Bun - a small baked bread roll
  • Raisin - dried grapes
  • Widow - a woman whose husband has died

What is Easter?

Easter is celebrated on first Sunday after the first full moon in spring. Generally it reminds us the end of winter or lent. Easter beggins on Maundy Thursday and ends on Easter Monday.
Easter is Christian festival. But in Britain it began long before Christianity. Some people think it is named after goddess of the dawn and spring - Eostre. Anyways it is memory of Jesus's crucifixion and ressurrection.

What people do?

Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday is known because of Ceremony of the Royal Maundy. The queen chooses one old man and woman. They had to do something special. And she gives them 2 leather purses - red and white. In white there's a silver Maundy coin and in red there's a coin.  
Good Friday is special because of Hot Cross Buns. It is related with a story of widow and her son.
Holy Saturday
Easter Day or Easter Sunday people remind the Jesus's resurrection. For children is this day special. They believe that Easter Rabbit or Easter Bunny hides the eggs in the garden and kids have to find them. Families also bring to their homes Easter water. Traditional dinner is Roast lamb. 
Easter Monday is known for Egg Rolling. This competition is about sending the eggs from the top of the hill and the winner is the one who gets his/her egg first down.

Children in Britain have 2 weeks holidays. Who doesn't like it?



středa 23. ledna 2013

You Should Know About...

How often do you hear these words: "You should know about it"? We are not robots to know about everything what is going around in our lives.

But you should know something about my favorite series. It's called "Pretty Little Liars".

The story is really catchy. A girl Alison was murdered and her 4 friend are trying to figure it out who did it. Frankly, Alison was really mean girl and she had a lot of enemies. The atmosphere is sometimes scary, maybe horror. And the weirdest thing is that girls are getting text messages and notes signed by -A. The thing is who is the A? And why he/she is trying to ruin girls's lives? Because -A got girl into to very bad situations. They ended in jail, for example.

With the continuing story, Hannah, one of the four girls finds out that -A is a girl from her friend. How things turned out -A is not only one person. A Spencer's boyfriend, (Spencer is also one of the Alison's friends), is helping to -A. Probably -A is a group of people. But the question is what they want from the girls? Is Alison really dead? What about that -A is Alison? What will be the next thing that will happened to girls? Everyone is suspicious. And you should't trust anyone.

I am really curious what will another episode bring.

úterý 22. ledna 2013

New Year's Resolution

New Year's Resolution

Welcome in 2013! With a new year come new promises. What to wish for me and my family in 2013?

In the fact I am not a supporter of new year's resolutions. If you want to change something in your life, don't wait until new year. Do it now.

But  this year I am going to eat better and do more for my body. Also I want to be a better person. I mean listen to people more and be nicer to them.

Good luck with your resolutions and promises


úterý 18. prosince 2012

Christmas traditions

Our Christmas traditions

If I had to think about traditions we keep, it would be very simple. In fact my family doesn't keep so many traditions.

Before Christmas Day we bake some sweets. But it's not a tradition it is obviousness.
When THE DAY comes we make potato salad  in the morning and we decorate the Christmas tree. All day we listen carols and we light the candels. It is for atmosphere. We also don't eat anything in that day (except some simple lunch without meat). Because we want to see gold pig! :) 

At 5 p.m. we start with setting the table and frying cutlets. We dress elegantly and about 6 p.m. we are ready to start. We celebrate with all my siblings so sometimes there is not enough place. At the very beginning my mum read an article from the Bible about Nativity. We talk and have fun. We don't keep that tradition about eating fish because nobody likes it. When we are done my mum leave and put the presents secretly under the tree. We also put our gifts there. And we wait untill the bell ring. We stand behind the closed door and we look at the gold pig. It is my mum with a flashlight. But I think my little brother believes that it's real.

When we come to the room with all the presents we hold sparklers in our hands and we sing carol. After that we are opening all the presents. It lasts for a hour. Then we take a family photo. And our trafition we keep since forever is habit of flying little boats from walnut. And in the midnight we go to church.

On holidays we visit our family. And we watch fairytales on TV. And my own tradition is singing christmas karaoke. :D

sobota 8. prosince 2012

My house is my castle

My house is my castle

I am not even sure if this proverb is using in english language. But this time I'm going to say something about my house. 

I live in a terraced house in the centre of Děčín, Czech Republic. My house actually isn't mine. It is an old house with about 15 condominiums and my family live in one of them. The color as you can see is dark grey. At the bottom of the house are little black tiles. And our street is really peaceful.

We live in the first floor. My parents own the flat. In the picture you can see our kitchen's window and my room's window (look from the left).  

This house has flat roof so it is possible to visit the roof. For example in summer it is a perfect place for sunbathing. It has also the basements. Behind the house is a yard, which is split and every house has own part. My mum is really active and she grows some flowers there. Also we have on the yard garden table. 

I should mention my neighbours. We don't have any relationship with them. We just greet them if we see them. But I think they are nice.

See you soon! xx
